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Transporting Greyhounds

Thank you to our Phoenix Transporters

A trio of Irish greyhounds were met by volunteers upon their arrival in Phoenix on March 30. Ben, Lyn and Corrin Annie were greeted by volunteers Colleen Browne, Chris Gomez, Eda Holt, Jeanne Gacke, Laura MacKenzie and Joan and Paul Athey.

Paul, Joan and Jeanne were the veterans of the team having experienced the previous arrivals of greyhounds from Australia and Ireland. It was the first experience for Eda, Colleen and Chris and just like others who have participated in the arrival and transport of the international dogs, emotions tend to catch one off guard. The emotions are hard to describe once the crate with an excited greyhound arrives and they exit their crate with endless wag. The greyhounds are immediately surrounded by love and care, given a chance to drink, get a little snack and never-ending ear rubs and hugs. It was a joyous day for all.

It’s probably a tie between the volunteers and the greyhounds as to who is the happiest about the arrival and transport.

P.S.: There were four dogs originally scheduled to fly to Phoenix. One boy, Lissatouk Tom, was super excited to begin his trip from Ireland to London. Along the way, he hurt his tail and did not pass the fit to fly test and stayed behind with a foster in London. We recently got word Lissatouk Tom was adopted and stayed in London.