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Become an SA Greys member …

Your membership supports ongoing adoption efforts that have enabled SA Greys to transport, spay/neuter, inoculate, feed, and shelter hundreds of greyhounds over the years. 100% of the money goes to the greyhounds.

Memberships are $25 individual or $45 per couple for the calendar year and are renewable each year. Payments received after September 1 are applied through the following year.

Your membership includes voting privileges, the ability to run for a Board position, a digital membership card, special incentives throughout the year, and discounts to ticketed SA Grey hosted events. Members must be at least 18 years old.

Family memberships available upon request.

Southern Arizona Greyhound Adoption is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit
EIN 45-4526305

Become an SA Greys Member

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