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Something to Squawk About

Use your predator call like insurance 

When I, Karyn Zoldan, adopted my first greyhound in 1998, the then California adoption group made me buy a squawker. The theory was if the dog got loose I could squawk and he would come running.

That very same squawker has been sitting on the table by my front door for 26 years.

Fortunately, I’ve only had to use it a half dozen times and it worked. Does it work with every greyhound? Unknown, but I consider it insurance and like insurance, I hope I never have to use it.

The Scotch Shaker Predator Call is a hardwood shaker style predator call, featuring a variable pitch reed to imitate rabbit distress cries. Operate bellows with an accordion type hand movement when hunting or you can step on it. You may want to keep one near your front door (it’s a conversation starter, too) and in your vehicle.

If  you have any feedback using a squawker, let us know and we can share the responses in the next newsletter. Send to