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Message From The President – December 2024

As I sit here, writing this the night before Thanksgiving, it seems only appropriate to reflect back over the past 11 months and be grateful. First, as with many things these days, I ask myself where did the time go? So much has transpired over the last year, bringing in Aussie hounds, Agua Caliente Race Track closing resulting in 150 dogs brought back into the United States in a matter of weeks and being a foster failure for one of those sweet pups. We are in the process of changing systems to make our processes more streamlined and efficient. We’ve had some great meetups, events such as the BooRooUnion and a few in-person board meetings. We will hear more about all these accomplishments and outcomes in January, but for now I want to focus on the how, not the what.

All of these things were made possible by many of you reading this newsletter. Many of you have put in countless hours, driven thousands of miles, donated decorations, food, supplies and whatever else you can think of. You have conducted interviews, home checks, cat and small dog tested, gone to meet and greets, brought your dogs to events, posted on Facebook, Instagram, sent cards, written articles and along with many others, have made financial contributions, which allow SA Greys to do what we do best — help the hounds!

I am also grateful for the members of the SA Greys Board of Directors. While most of the discussions and decisions are routine, some are not, and this board has been faced with complex situations. The compassion, diligence and professionalism of this board is beyond reproach and I could not be more proud to serve alongside them.

To say I am thankful is an understatement. I hope you all know how much I enjoy being a part of this organization and to do this with you. Thank You.

Jeanne Gacke is President of Southern Arizona Greyhound Adoption and can be reached at