Fostering Ben

The Hardman Pack watches Ben discover his new world
Shortly before Arizona Gives Day, we welcomed three Irish beauties into the SA Greys family. There was one boy, Ben, who was having some issues with picking up on potty training so Ben came to me, Debbie Hardman, as a foster. It had been awhile since I had the opportunity to foster and, of course, with three hounds of my own, I wasn’t quite sure how things would go. With a little help with the first introductions, young Ben joined Rudy, Boss, Piper and me for a few weeks stay.
I had forgotten the joy of watching a greyhound discover their new world. Ben looked and acted like a greyhound but I had to remind myself he had lived his first 18 months outside a home so everything was new and likely overwhelming. Of course, the counter surfing, kitchen sink diving and quick grab and go of the steak I was planning to grill and more, kept me constantly on my toes. And the stuffies — he quickly emptied the toy box and had toys on and near his dog bed and delighted in every squeak the toys gave. He also adjusted to hearing the sounds of a house, such as when the ice maker drops cubes in a glass. Ben was contained in a smaller area and gradually gained access to larger spaces once he realized that the other dogs take care of business outside.
Ben joined his forever home after arriving three weeks earlier. Was it hard to say goodbye, you betcha. I wondered about our dedicated fosters who open their homes and hearts repeatedly. I wondered how they do it, over and over. After a few tears, I realized I’ve helped one more greyhound settle into the pet life and I celebrated the success. Now, I’m ready to help another greyhound when the time comes.