Why do greyhounds wear muzzles?

This is a common question when someone sees a greyhound sporting their muzzle. The immediate thought is the greyhound is wearing a muzzle because they bite. This could not be further from the truth.
During racing, greyhounds run with their mouths open to suck in more air. If they run into or bump another dog at 40 miles per hour with their mouths not shielded, it would rip their thin and fragile skin. The muzzles also keep them from tearing up the lures they are chasing, once the race is over. Lastly, in the case of a photo-finish when they are nose to nose, muzzles are helpful in determining a winner.
Upon retirement, muzzles are used to protect the greyhound. When you adopted a greyhound from SA Greys, he or she came with a muzzle. Don’t throw it in the closet and forget about it. While your hound is no longer competing around a track, the muzzle is a handy tool to use. These are just a few ways a muzzle can be helpful:
- If you have two or more greyhounds in the car and you turn or stop suddenly — one bumps into or steps on or invades the other’s space and an unintentional snap, nip or bite may occur. When two or more greyhounds are being transported by SA Greys, muzzles are used as a precaution.
- Muzzles are encouraged when a bunch of greyhounds get together for a romp in the yard or large park. Greyhounds can be competitive, they race around the yard or field bumping into each other and in a split second a tooth can tear thin greyhound skin. It’s all fun and games till someone accidentally gets hurt. A muzzle can help protect the dogs while they play and avoid unintentional nip and skin scrape. It may also save you from an emergency vet visit.
- As with any dog, if you are ever concerned your dog may lash out during a procedure, such as nail trims or medical procedure, a muzzle can be used as a safety measure.
- Does your dog eat poop? A muzzle with a poop guard prevents that.
- Most vets will provide a hard plastic cone after a procedure, which doesn’t work on a greyhound. Instead line the inside of the muzzle with duct tape, poke a few holes so they can still drink water. A muzzle can stop endless licking while wounds need to heal.
- When introducing your hound to a cat or a small dog, take precautions and use a muzzle.
You might be thinking … but my dog doesn’t like wearing a muzzle. Remember, one of the biggest responsibilities of owning a greyhound is to keep them safe and set them up for success. A muzzle can be very helpful.